it has rekindled a certain part of me who enjoys playing with the gopro camera and the Gimp. Gimp fun as illustrated in this pic of @morenamesthancanbementionedinoneblogentry...
I have ridden multiple bikes (not really any different from normal) taken alternate routes through my town (also not new) and enjoyed the ride (pattern here??).
The thing I had lost was thinking about the ride both while on the ride and post ride with the same conviction. Finding that point in the ride that made my smile grow biggest and review it to show it to whoever was interested (me). This became evident this morning while stopped on a multi-use trail through Lakeside park watching a family of Ducks cross my path. Unfortunately the GoPro had run out of disk space and I was unable to show the picture.
After realising this I looked at the past few days... They seem to look alot like back when I started this blog, found the awesome folk at #bikeschool, and rekindled a few other times for other fun reasons.
Not that I still don't want a #newbikeday just that it has already helped!! Thanks Kitchener for putting on this contest!!
Excerpts of awesome as according to me...
Anyway I have blabbed on for long enough... I'm out...